Ten(Ants) top tips for moving house with kids

Moving house can be a challenging and stressful time. Getting boxes, packing items, organising removalists, and calling estate agents. But moving house with kids can make it an even trickier process. The ten tips below will help keep the kids happy and entertained on a moving day.

1. Get your kids involved

Are kids old enough to help? Giving them tasks they can achieve will help them feel included. Write tasks on a pencil clipboard, like packing books, kitchen utensils and toys into boxes. Keep them engaged with an incentive attached to their tasks, like ordering their favourite takeaway food on move-in night.

2. Decorate your moving boxes

Getting your kids to decorate the packed-up boxes can help them stay entertained while being practical. Ask them to draw what's in the box with brightly coloured markers. Use large labels on the boxes to stencil or draw large letters so your kids can colour them.

3. Decorate your moving boxes

Moving day isn't the day you want to hear the "I'm bored" soundtrack on repeat! Fill your kid's backpack with games, colouring books, crayons, DIY craft kits and your favourite snacks. Okay, with your kids using digital devices? Download their favourite movie or game onto their iPad or tablet. Throw in a pillow and blanket, and your kids will be occupied and happy.

4. Make up a box for the first night

The first night in your new house will be exciting for your kids but can also be daunting. When you get the kids involved with packing up a box for the first night, have a list of everyday items like stuffed toys, pyjamas, change of clothes for the next day, toothpaste, toothbrush, bath towel, soap, and night lights.

5. Create a safe space on a moving day

In your new home, set aside a designated spot for the kids to sit and play with their toys or watch a movie on the iPad. If you've got a separate room away from the hustle and bustle, allocate it to the kids for their playtime.

Giving your kids a separate space will help them settle in quicker and keep them from being under your feet.

6. Go for a walk

Getting outside into the fresh air and saying goodbye to your old neighbourhood and hello to your new one will help keep your kids entertained. Have you got family and friends helping you move? Take turns to take the kids for a stroll, noticing their favourite things in the old neighbourhood and five in their new one.

7. Play outside

The new house got a garden, courtyard, or balcony? Use your outdoor space to keep the kids entertained if the weather's good. Blow bubbles, kick and throw balls or set up an easel for them to draw or paint on.

8.Organise a scavenger hunt

Unleash your kids' inner detective skills with a scavenger hunt. Using a list of items in the moving boxes, get them to find their favourite book, photo, pyjamas, or soft toy. Have you got older kids? Task them with taking boxes into the rooms they belong to.

9. Set up a craft area

If you've got spare space outside, set up a craft station to keep your kids busy. Get water-based paints, paper, pens, and aprons and challenge them to paint a picture of their new house.

10. Outsource as much as you can

Happy big ants mean happy little ants! Take a few things off your plate to ease the stress so you can focus on what matters. We can get your electricity, gas, internet, removalists and more organised in one smooth move.  
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